
Seat lock

If it is necessary to control the seating arrangement and create intervals between the viewers,
this method can be used to control the seating patterns of the viewers simply by locking the cushion seats of the chairs without having to put "Do not sit" messages or information tapes.

How the lock works

How to use

When the axis that passes through the cushion (long axis) is passed between the cushion bracket, the cushion is locked and cannot be used. (it can be used to create intervals between the chairs)

How to use

Turn the handle attached to the locking device in the front groove of the cushion bracket by 90 degrees clockwise. This locks the cushion so that viewers cannot use the seat. (it can be used to create intervals between the chairs)


  • The chair can be locked simply by placing a part between the axis (long axis) and the cushion bracket. There is no risk of breaking the chair by using a mechanical device. (failure rate 0%)
    There is no need for additional installation construction (floor construction, electrical equipment construction, etc.).
  • It has excellent cost savings effect, and it can be used semi-permanently.